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Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.  [Hebrews 13:3]


​The Bible Speaks on the Rapture and the  Tribulation Period and how many will be left behind because of not having a relationship with Christ. 


We at RTC Prison Ministries  don't want anyone left behind, which is why we  minister to  Prisoners by way of mail , We want them to know that they are not forgotten, they are not alone.


because many prisoners won't attend Church services. We minister to them one at a time, using mail and visiting them... 


Christian Booklet


Prisoners in Florida & Georgia  2017

3,000 +

Bibles and Bible Study Guides distributed to the incarcerated


Breakfasts and lunches provided to the hungry  in downtown Miami


Volunteers serving the Miami / Dade area

July 1 , 2023.jpg

Minister by Mail

Feed the Streetz

young volunteer with children

Life Skill Classes

Community Center


Donate soft cover books about Christian living , Bibles in different translations and languages.  We appreciate monetary donations of all sizes as God puts on your heart to give cheerfully.


We want you to join us on our #FeedTheStreetz Events.  You can help buy the food, pack the food, and give away the food.

You can also volunteer from the comfort of your home by writing cards and letters to the imprisoned, encouraging them through scriptures.

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